Articles Written By And For IPS Teachers

Teacher Background/Resource Articles
Scientific Measurements: Quantities, Units, and Prefixes
Converting Units
Using Your Tests to Drive Instruction
The False Dichotomy of Chemical and Physical Changes
Mole Day and the Meaning of the Mole
The Enormous Size of Avogadro's Number
Radioactivity and the Atomic Nature of Matter
Adopting IPS
How IPS Students Succeed on State Tests
One Community's Response to State-Mandated Testing
IPS-A principal's view
How IPS Correlates to State and National Standards
Supporting IPS - A Model That Works
Teaching Both: Process and Content
On Learning
Classroom Management/Teaching IPS
IPS Notebooks, Two Alternatives
The IPS Workshop: Why This Teacher Recommends It
Materials and Supplies for IPS
Saving Money on IPS Equipment and Laboratory Supplies
Pegboard Construction
IPS Products
The Teacher's Guide and Resource Book
The Assessment Package
Video Cassette ("Loops")